Ad Space Management System

Take control of your marketing channels and advertising with this cloud-based ad trafficking solution built for content publishers, advertising agencies, and campaign managers. AdPass provides a total solution for managing all types of advertising space inventory.

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  • AdPass Administrator channel management interface

  • AdPass Administrator channel management interface

  • AdPass Administrator channel management interface

  • AdPass Administrator channel management interface

Marketing Channels

  Flexible Media Types
  Channel Hierarchy
  Define Positioning
  Delivery Frequency
  User Security


  Marketing Initiatives
  Tactics & Stategy
  Track Ad Placements

Ad Trafficking

  Define Ad Metadata
  Define Ad Worflow
  Creative Upload
  Ad Sizing and Cropping

Business Intelligence

  Azure Power BI

  Content Publishers

  Define your marketing channels by media type (ex: digital, display, print, or email)
  Group channels together using nested folders
  Sub-divide a channel into smaller sub-channels for better control and analysis
  Create ad positions within a channel and define creative specifications, value, and limits
  Define channel delivery frequency such as email dates, print issues, or digital placement changes
  Define channel deadlines, for example when reqests are due or when creative is due
  Secure channels by limiting users by their channel needs
  Allow users to request ad space, submit creative, and traffic to ad production

  Agencies & Marketing Teams

  Define users and teams, control marketing channel access
  Define Marketing Campaigns by initiative, promotion, or events
  Create Campaign Tactics by marketing channel
  Manage Campaign Budget down to the tactic level
  Define Marketing Channels (internal or external)
  Record tactic performance and analysis


  Define Marketing Channels (internal or external)
  Define Marketing Campaigns by initiative, promotion, or events
  Create Campaign Tactics by marketing channel
  Create Ad Placements by Campaign